The purpose of this newsletter is to inform
about the latest scientific studies concerning Google Scholar as a source and
tool for scientific evaluation. Only studies with an empirical perspective,
that is, those which yield quantitative results that can be contrasted,
verified and compared in order to confirm their reliability and validity, will
be discussed here. Works that contain opinions, personal considerations or
discussions without the support of empirical evidence that demonstrates the
utility and advantages (or lack thereof) of using Google Scholar as a source
for scientific evaluation, will be excluded from this newsletter.
It is known that any news concerning a product
released by Google in the field of scientific information and evaluation will
undoubtedly get widespread coverage both from the media and the scientific
community, sometimes even causing heated debates among the involved actors.
Because of this, we understand that there is nothing better than to offer
empirical evidence, based on scientific research, about what the best uses and
applications may be for these products, determining precisely where their
strengths and weaknesses lie as a source for the evaluation of scientific
This newsletter will have two sections:
- Bibliography: this section will contain a list of all empirical
studies published to date, sorted by year of publication.
- News: this section will contain a summary of the
main discoveries and conclusions from the empirical studies as they are
Juan Manuel Ayllón Millán is an FPI (Predoctoral Research Grant) Research Fellow and a PhD Candidate in the field of bibliometrics and scientific communication at the University of Granada. His earlier degrees in Library and Information Science are from the same university. He is also a member of the EC3 Research Group. Contact:

Emilio Delgado López-Cózar is a Professor of research methodology at the University of Granada, and cofounder of the EC3 Research Group (Science and Scientific Communication Evaluation). He has developed a number of tools for scientific evaluation, including IN-RECS, IN-RECJ, IN-RECH (impact factor of Spanish journals in the Social Sciences, Legal Sciences, and Humanities), the I-UGR Ranking of Spanish universities, RESH (Spanish Journals in the Social Sciences, and Humanities), CIRC (Integrated Classification of Scientific Journals), EC3 Metaranking of Spanish Universities, H-Index of Spanish journals in the Social and Legal Sciences, H-Index of Spanish Journals according to Google Scholar Metrics, Co-Author Index, Publishers Scholar Metrics, The Spanish Library and Information Science according to Google Scholar Citations, Book Publishers Library Metrics, and CIENTÍFICA. He is also a cofounder of the scientific consulting spin-off EC3metrics. He has authored more than 200 publications, and his lines of research are focused on the evaluation of scientific performance and scientific journals, the study of research in Library and Information Science, and the assessment of scientific performance of authors and institutions. Contact:
Alberto Martín-Martín is an FPU (University Professor Training) Research Fellow and PhD Candidate in the field of bibliometrics and scientific communication at the University of Granada. His earlier degrees in Library and Information Science are from the same university, where he graduated with honours. He is currently a member of the EC3 Research Group, where he has collaborated in various research projects, technical reports and journal articles since 2013. Contact:
Enrique Orduña-Malea holds a PhD in Documentation from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, where he currently works as a postdoctoral researcher. He belongs to the EC3 Research Group at UGR and Trademetrics Research Group at UPV. He specialises in web metric methods applied to the processes of creation, diffusion and consumption of content and products on the web, both in academic and industrial environments. Contact: