1 abr 2016

The "strategy as practice" through Web of Science and Google Scholar

Maia, J.L., Di Serio, L.C.,  Alves Filho, A. G. . Bibliometric research on strategy as practice: exploratory results and source comparison
Sistemas & Gestão, 2016, 10(4), 654-69. 
DOI: 10.20985/1980-5160.2015.v10n4.662

The purpose of this article, therefore, is to sketch an overview of the scientific production in this new field of “Strategy as Practice”, assessing issues such as major works, authors, publishing media, themes, institutions, related keywords, and more. From a condensed work previously published by Maia et Alves Filho (2013), this article seeks to recover and explore more deeply the referred research, bringing new aspects and ways of interpretation, as well as similar bibliometric research performance using Google Scholar as an alternative source of information.

The data used in the first bibliometric analysis in this article are the documents found in the database Web of Science, which are published by Thomson Reuters. The process of searching  or documents was performed using the keywords “strategy as practice” and “strategy-as- - practice” and the Boolean operator “OR”, in fields titles, descriptors and topics of the publications, limited “Articles or congress work or conference abstracts or book chapters, excluding book reviews. From this search and refinement 72 publications were obtained.

Data for the bibliometric analysis in this article are the documents retrieved in the Google Scholar database, which could be obtained and extracted with the assistance of the Publish or Perish software (Harzig, 2007). The process of searching for documents was executed based
on the same keywords of the previous query, “strategy as practice” and “strategy-as-practice” and the Boolean operator “OR”. Because of the limitations of the maximum results of Google Scholar (1000 results), the research had to be divided into several publishing periods, which were subsequently consolidated. From this process, 2,372 results were obtained, including 360 without date of preparation. 

(1) size limits in Google Scholar make it impossible to calculate classic bibliometric indicators; (2) Google Scholar has generated a database with more than 30 times the results in Web of Science. Although it was expected that the amount of Google Scholar results were higher than the Web of Science, this proportionality also emphasizes that much of the research on SAP is still “sub-published”, and it is developed in congress articles, open jobs available on the internet…
(3) Google Scholar has generated a much more disperse and diverse base. While the top five authors in Web of Science are responsible for almost 50% of works, in Google Scholar these authors produce only 4% of them. In the case of sources, the numbers are smaller but similarly distinct: the five largest sources publish 36% of the results via Web of Science, while in Google Scholar that number is only 10%.
(4) there are concerns in terms of using Scholar as a source of information: 15% of the documents do not present publication date while 27% do not present publication source.


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